Raul A. Borthwick
Raúl Borthwick graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires in 1975.
He acted as legal counsel during the intervention of Unión Ferroviaria Argentina, ordered by the Federal Ministry of Labor, and during the court-ordered intervention of SAFRA Group.
He provides consulting services to individual companies and corporate groups in the financial, tourism, hotel, real estate development and investment management industries, among others.
At present he acts as counsel for ABN AMRO Bank, trustee of the LAVERC (Scotia Bank) Trust.
He is the local representative of Coutts Bank Von Ernst, a Switzerland-based financial institution.
He specializes in corporate matters, business consulting, credit analysis, management of debt portfolios, judicial and/or extrajudicial collection activities and labor conflict resolution, both at individual and collective levels.
Ricardo A. Borthwick

Ricardo Borthwick graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires in 1985.
He obtained a post-graduate degree in Procedural Law from the Universidad Notarial Argentina in 1987.
He started his career in the Federal Commercial Courts of Original Jurisdiction (1979-1985).
Between 1986 and 1994 he was Senior Associate at Zang, Mochón, Bergel & Viñes, in charge of the Contentious-Administrative Department.
He was Assistant Professor in the subject Bankruptcy Law at the Law School of the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, and at present is Assistant Professor in the subject Commercial Law III at the Law School of the Universidad del Salvador and also teaches various courses in the post-graduate school of Escuela de Abogacía de Buenos Aires (FORES).
At present he acts as counsel for BANCO COMAFI SA, trustee of the ACEX (Banco Mayo) Trust and for ABN AMRO Bank, trustee of the LAVERC (Scotia Bank Quilmes) Trust, and for various foreign companies established in Argentina.
He provides advisory services to companies in difficulties and has acted as counsel and participated in over 130 insolvency proceedings.
Advisor to trustees in bankruptcy, trustee in insolvency proceedings and court appointed intervener in corporate disputes.
He specializes in corporate matters, credit analysis, debt portfolio management, and judicial and/or extrajudicial collection activities.
Julio A. Chiappe
Julio Chiappe graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires in 1975 and specialized in Labor Law and Customs Law.
His specialization courses include Customs Law, Labor Law and Corporate Law, mostly at Universidad del Salvador.
He was a government attorney for 22 years in the Administración Nacional de Aduanas (Federal Customs Authority) where he performed as Chief of the Division and Department of Legal Affairs, in charge of litigations in which the Federal Customs Authority was a party to nationwide (1988-2000).
He was a member of two Customs Code (Act No. 22.415) Review Committees.
He was an active member and representative of the Legal Affairs Secretariat of the Federal Customs Authority in the II International Congress on Customs Law of the Republic of Argentina.
He acted as legal advisor to numerous companies and commercial chambers, including the Cámara Argentina de Servicios Empresarios Temporarios (Chamber of Temporary Employment Agencies) (1985-1987), COOPERALA Ltda. (1994-1999) and Luncheon Tickets S.A. (1977-1999).
José A. López Caballero
José López Caballero graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires in 1988 and specialized in personal injuries, damages and negotiation processes.
He acted as advisor to the Federal Ministry of the Interior between 1981 and 1996 in the following capacities:
1992 - Deputy Director of Summary Proceedings
1993 - Director of Summary Proceedings, in charge a of staff of 15
1995 - Attorney of the General Directorate of Legal Affairs
He was first external and then internal attorney for OMEGA COOPERATIVA DE SEGUROS LIMITADA.
Andrea F. Ogliese

Andrea Ogliese graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires in 1988.
She is a part-time student of Anthropology at the School of Philosophy and Literature of the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires.
She is Chief of Practical Works in the Sabsay Chair of Introduction to Constitutional Law in the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires.
She was a contributor to the publication Derechos Humanos Interamericanos - Recopilación de Opiniones Consultivas (Inter-American Human Rights - Compilation of Advisory Opinions), by German Bidart Campos and Dr. Calogero Pizzolo, Ediciones Jurídicas Cuyo.
She has been invited to participate as speaker in various congresses, meetings, seminars and conferences.
She deals with litigation formalities and proceedings and specializes in debtor portfolio management.
Sebastián R. Borthwick
Sebastián Borthwick graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires in 2002.
He is a teaching assistant in the Ana I. Piaggi Chair of Commercial Law in the Law School of the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires in the following courses: Insolvency Proceedings, Complex Matters of Bankruptcy Law, Modern Contracting, and Modern Financing Contracts and Guarantees.
He started his career in the Federal Commercial Courts of Original Jurisdiction and then worked with the firm Tixi, Ricciardi & Romero - Abogados.
He was a guest speaker at the IX Argentine Congress on Corporate Law and the V IberoAmerican Congress on Corporate and Business Law, San Miguel de Tucuman, September 22-25, 2004.
He is currently studying towards a bilingual Master’s Degree in Law and Economics at Universidad Torcuato di Tella.
He specializes in Commercial Law and business consulting.
Victoria R. Bini

Victoria Bini graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires in 1996.
She deals with litigation formalities and proceedings and specializes in debtor portfolio management.
She specializes in labor litigation.